American Indoor

“Indoor Soccer” Rule Book

April 6th, 2021


Major Change: Shootout procedure (now “Golden Goal”)




Basic House Rules:


Slide Tackling is NOT ALLOWED IN ANY LEAGUE IN AMERICAN INDOOR and is punishable with a Blue Card.


All adult field players must wear an American Indoor game jersey with minimum 5” permanent ironed or screened on number of 1 or 2 whole integers (1 – 99) placed vertically on the back and centered below the web site address on each shirt. Failure to have a “legal” number is an automatic Yellow Card.


Outdoor cleats are not allowed in any game or practice at American Indoor. If in doubt as to the acceptability of a pair of shoes have a manager approve the shoes first. A Yellow Card will be issued by the referee if banned shoes are found on the field during play of a game.


Spitting on the field is punishable by Blue Card and the player must clean-up the mess. Second offense is a Yellow Card. A Yellow can be issued if the player refuses to clean-up the spit.


Having GUM or tobacco products on the field is an automatic Yellow Card. This applies at all times even during warm-up or half time.


Dissent by players is highly disruptive to a game’s flow and unsettling for the maintenance of order on the field. Players becoming disruptive, questioning calls in less than a calm manner or causing undue stress on the referee will, if the referee warrants the need, be issued, generally, a Blue Card and required to sit out for 2 minutes. A dissent call can carry a direct “Yellow” or “Red” card if the referee deems that appropriate. During any season, should a player be issued 6 cards for dissent (no matter the color) he/she will be required to miss the next game. Each successive dissent in that season will require the player to sit another game. At the end of each season a player’s “account” is cleared of previous dissent infractions.





For YOUTH GAMES U7 – U14 ONLY, to assist in maintaining competitive levels the following field strength adjustments will be used at the losing team’s discretion as the score differential increases:


Differential Losing Team Maximum player count (normally 8)
Differential 1 – 4 goals – 8 players
Differential 5 – 9 – 9 players


Differential 10 – 14 – players


Differential 15 – 19 – 11 players


Differential 20+ 12 players


As goals scored reduce the differential thus changing the maximum player count, players must be taken off.


For ADULT GAMES: Men and Women – When the differential score reaches 5 goals the losing team, at their sole discretion, will be allowed an additional field player. This player will remain on the field until the differential drops to 4 goals. If the differential reaches 10 another player can be added. For every 5 additional goals of differential another player can be added. The number of players is automatically reduced as each threshold is reduced. If a team has no subs, there is no recourse.


Coed Games – The same format would apply except that the player could be either male or female (at the losing team’s option). The applicable differential limits are 7 for coed.


Special House Rule – Player Participation on Multiple Teams

GENERALLY, a player can be registered on multiple teams on the same day (league) as long as those teams never compete (ie. The teams are in different divisions). A player wishing to change teams in the same division during the season MUST, AFTER REQUESTING TO CHANGE TEAMS, SIT OUT THE NEXT SCHEDULED GAME for BOTH TEAMS INVOLVED. It is not considered legal to count games not Played PRIOR to requesting the roster change as meeting the “one (1) game sit rule”. Count will start when a player requests the change (must sit out each team’s next game (that game can be a forfeit)).


Players Playing on Two or More Teams in the Same Division

When a player is on multiple teams in different divisions on the same night in one season and the next immediate season, by promotion, relegation or league size the teams on which the player participates are forced into the same division, or if the teams affected stay in the same division due to record, the player will be allowed to play on all teams affected.

In other special cases, at American Indoor’s sole discretion, players may be allowed on two teams in the same division. American Indoor reserves the right to deny any request to play on two teams in the same division without reason being given. This is an extremely limited rule and will not be applied often.

IN ALL CASES OF PARTICIPATION ON MULTIPLE TEAMS IN THE SAME DIVISION, when the teams in question play each other in the regular season, said affected players must select one team for which he/she can play in the playoffs (the regular season is unaffected by this rule – ONLY THE PLAYOFFS).

The player must remain on that team during the playoffs until that team is eliminated from the league championship consideration (consolation games for either team do not matter).


Youth & Adult Eligibility:

Youth player eligibility is determined by age on July 31st each year. Players are allowed to play up in age but never down. If two age groups are merged, the resulting league will be designated as the older of those merged.



Player Registration and Check-in:

Players found participating in a game without a valid American Indoor Registration will be given an administative RED CARD that carries a MINIMUM 1 year suspension from all teams at American Indoor.


Team Rosters are completed by American Indoor at each team’s first game. Players are REQUIRED to have valid American Indoor Registration to be placed on any roster any play in any game at any point during the season. Rosters are limited to registered players and each roster is capped at 18 players. Rosters are frozen and cannot be added to after the start of the last game before playoffs begin. Players added must be checked-in for 2 regular season games to participate in the playoffs. If there are no playoffs due to league size, players can be added until the last game of the season. Players are solely responsible for ensuring that they are checked-in for games. AISF will attempt to correctly enter each player’s participation. Players should review check-in after each game to ensure accuracy.

If a player is caught checking in under another name, both players can be suspended at American Indoor’s discretion.

After initially getting on a roster (player registration required), players check-in for games by announcing their presence and waiting to be checked-in. In some cases Management may request that the player be verified on the registration computer. Assuming that the registration computer is functioning and the player is verified, he or she may play. If the computer is down there is no recourse for alternate picture ID for players.


After a roster has reached the limit of 18 players, in order for a player to be added another player currently on the roster must be dropped. For each player dropped there is an “administrative fee” of $20 that must be paid.



Only referees sanctioned by American Indoor may officiate league games.

Generally one (1) Field Referee will be used in all games.

See Section 4.0 for more detail.


Player Registration:

Youth players:

All youth players must have purchased an American Indoor Registration before participating in league play.

All players below the age of 18 (at time of Registration) must be accompanied by parent or legal guardian to purchase a Registration (child needs to be present at purchase so that a picture can be made).

Adult players:

All adult players must have purchased an American Indoor Registration before participating in league play.

If, due to his or her action in a game, a player is requested by the facility or referee to verify his/her Registration, the player will go immediately to the front office for verification. A player may be requested to produce picture identification to verify facility registration. If the player can not produce identification satisfactory to management he/she may be banned from further participation until identity is verified.


In the event a referee has to eject a player under a “RED” card, the referee will communicate the infraction to AISF management that led to the ejection. The facility manager will communicate to the player the duration of the suspension associated with the ejection. A list of MOST infractions and subsequent possible suspensions are posted on the facility “Team Bulletin Board”. For those not posted Management will review the infraction and determine punishment. The player will USUALLY only be suspended from games with the team he or her was participating with when the incident occurred.

In certain cases, fighting being an example, the player may be banned from further play in any league. Registered players not playing and possibly not even dressed to play that get involved in disturbances on the field, in the facility or on the grounds of the facility will be treated as a “game” player for the purpose of suspensions.

If a player makes contact with a referee in what is deemed by management, and management alone, as a “fit of anger”, THAT PLAYER WILL BE BANNED FOR A PERIOD TO BE DETERMINED BY MANAGEMENT. There is no recourse to such ban.



1.0 The Ball

1.1 Unless the facility is supplying the game ball, the Home team supplies the ball

1.2 Ball size: U14 and older thru adult – size 5, U7 to U13 – size 4, U6 – size 3 – Coaches mutually may decide a ball size change

2.0 Number of Players

2.1 Maximum: Adults – Men : 5 field players and goalie

Women – 5 or 6 field players and goalie (league will determine number)

Coed – 3 Men, 3 Women & goalie (women can replace Men – maximum Men – 3) – goalie is either sex and does not count in 3 – 3 mix.

U16: 6 field players & goalie – league may elect to change number U7 thru U15: 7 field players & goalie

U6: 5 field players & goalie – if playing across the main field


2.2 Minimum – In all cases two (2) less than the maximum


2.3 Roster size limit is 18.

3.0 Player Equipment

3.1 Shorts – Color can vary, compression shorts under regular “soccer” shorts allowed, but soccer shorts only must be worn

3.2 Shin guards – Required but size at player discretion

3.3 Socks – Color can vary, must cover shin guards

3.4 Jersey – Adult – Only an American Indoor logo jersey with permanent 5” or larger ironed on or screened number on back center is allowed. Numbers must be unique by player on each team. In the case where more than one player on a team has the same number, ANY PENALTIES, or in the case of coed, goals scored will be allotted to each identical number. Example – if #5 is Red Carded all #5’s on the team are included.

Youth – team game jersey must be of same to similar color (number optional). In case of conflict the “Home” team changes.

3.5 Shoes – Outdoor cleats are NOT ALLOWED – No molded, no plastic removable studs – “turf shoes and flats” are recommended (See current policy on web site), the facility can ban any shoe that is deemed to possibly damage the turf or have potential for injury.

3.6 Cover-ups –

Youth – can be used as an alternate jersey.

Adults – in special circumstances may be given approval for cover-up use but not as an alternative to an AISF jersey (cover-up must be worn over AISF jersey).

3.7 Goalkeeper – Jersey must be easily distinguishable from other players and referee, number not required on goalkeeper jersey, protective head gear may be worn if acceptable to referee, gloves acceptable. If the goalkeeper changes to a field player through substitution, all jersey rules for field players apply immediately.

3.8 Dangerous Equipment – Jewelry deemed dangerous to other players can not be worn, hard casts must be padded, knee braces must be padded with metal parts covered so as not to threaten safety of other players – final ruling is the referee’s decision – no appeal.

4.0 Referee – Main Field

4.1 For the most part, ALL GAMES are officiated with one (1) field referee and one (1) score/timekeeper who acts a second field referee from the scorer’s position.

4.2 Field Referees wear American Indoor referee jerseys ONLY.

4.3 A Referee’s authority to sanction players starts when a player enters the field to warm up and ceases at the termination of the game

4.4 Once a game is over (the horn has sounded or referee has whistled for the end of the game) sanctioning can only be done by the facility manager – Management sanctioning (Administrative Red Carding) may be done until players are off AISF property

4.5 Powers and responsibilities: Field Referee

4.5.1 Verify ball size – Coaches can mutually agree ball size

4.5.2 Conduct game in accordance with “American Indoor’s Rules of Play”

4.5.3 Stop play for injury when advantage has been played

4.5.4 Control play through the use of the card system (Blue, Yellow, Red)

4.5.5 Halt play if game is deemed “out of control”

4.5.6 Signal player number to score-keeper when a recordable foul is awarded or a goal is scored


5.0 Score/Timekeeper (second referee)

5.1 Keep score accurately

5.2 Maintain log of team fouls and indicate when a penalty kick is needed

5.3 Keep penalty time

5.4 Keep up with male goals in Coed games

5.5 Notify referee of flagrant player fouls off the ball

5.6 Assist in verifying net balls and validity of goals

5.7 Control the game through use of the card system

6.0 Game Duration

6.1 Adult League games – Two – 20- minute halves

6.1.1 Running clock

6.1.2 Two minute half time

6.1.3 Two minutes between games

6.1.4 Referee may add time for clock malfunctions

6.1.5 Clock may be stopped for serious injury

6.1.6 No team timeouts

6.2 Overtime Shootout

6.2.1 Only used if “playoff game” results in tie – See Rule 18.3

6.3 Youth League Games

6.3.1 Two halves are played in a total of 45 minutes. After the previous game, a half of 23 minutes is placed on the score clock and time is started (this assumes AISF and the referee are ready for the clock to start). This allows time for the previous game’s teams to exit the field and for the current teams to enter. Immediately following the first half, a second half of 22 minutes is placed on the clock, to allow for a “halftime break”. Note: This procedure is used because youth coaches have a habit of taking too much time to get organized.

7.0 The Start of Play

7.1 Each game is started with the visiting team kicking-off. Each team must be in their own half with the team not kicking at least 15 feet from the ball. Ball must be stationary just prior to kick-off and is in play when kicked (moved). Kick may be taken in any direction but kicker can not touch (see Two Touch Rules) ball after initial touch until it is touched by another (either team) player. Goals can be scored from a kick-off.

7.2 After a goal, same procedure except non-scoring team kicks-off.

7.3 After intermission, same procedure except switch ends and Home team kicks-off

NOTE: A whistle start is REQUIRED on all balls played from the following spots

  • Center circle dot for game start and after a goal has been scored

    1. Corner kick dots

    2. Top of the goal box

7.4 Infractions:

7.4.1 Team has 5 seconds to put ball in play after referee indicates “ready for play” – failure to play ball results in “free kick” by opposition.

7.4.2 Improper kick – such as ball not stationary or played before referee signal – re-kick

7.4.3 Second touch by kicker – free kick to opposition at point of infraction

7.4.4 If any attacking player enters the attacking half prior to the kick-off (creates an off-sides situation) the opposition will be given kick-off

7.5 Drop Ball Restart – Drop ball restart, although not recommended, may be used by referee for any cause not in the rules. Drop at point where stoppage occurred or at top of arc if within the penalty area. If a team has clear possession when stoppage occurs, they should be awarded possession with a free in-direct kick. It is recommended that the referee opt to restart all stoppages with a free indirect kick (kick away from attacking end), defenders must allow unimpeded restart.

8.0 Ball “In” and “Out” of Play

8.1 “In” Play:

8.1.1 Off all boards

8.1.2 Off referee

8.1.3 Until referee whistles ball dead


8.2 “Out” of Play:

8.2.1 Ball in perimeter netting – Free kick nearest point to net contact

8.2.2 Contact with non-field players or coach hanging over boards – Free kick to opponent not making contact at point of touch

8.2.3 Ball goes through netting or player box – same as 8.2.1

8.2.4 Ball contacts ceiling netting – played from center of Yellow Line nearest the point from which the kick was initiated.

9.0 Restarts from “Ball Out of Play”

9.1 Kick-in taken on all Rule 8.2 situations except ball out of play between corner kick spots (red lines on walls at spots) and ball contacting ceiling netting

9.2 Ball out between corner spots last touched by attacker (Goal Clearance):

9.2.1 Throw by goalkeeper anywhere in penalty arch (U13 and older, including adults). For youth U7 through U12 – Drop kick

9.2.2 Ball is not in play until it clears the penalty arch

9.2.3 Goal can score on clearance as long as 3 lines are not crossed IN THE AIR


1. throw retaken if touched by another player (either team) before ball clears the penalty arch

2. opposing players must be out of penalty arch until ball clears the arch

3. goalkeeper cannot play ball after it has left the arch until touched by another player

4. goalkeeper has 5 seconds to get the ball out of the penalty arch from referee indication – failure to start play results in free kick at top of arch for opponent

5. goalkeeper may bounce the ball prior to throw because the ball is not live until it clears the arch


9.3 Ball out between corner spots last touched by defender:

9.3.1 Ball placed at corner spot nearest contact point with the net

9.3.2 Opponents must be no nearer than the near goal post

9.3.3 Referee must whistle ball in play

9.3.4 Ball is in play when moved

9.3.5 Ball must be played in 5 seconds from whistle – failure to kick results in goal clearance


9.4 Ball contacting ceiling netting will be played with free kick from the center of Yellow Line nearest to point where the kick was initiated.

10.0 Legal goal – Complete ball must cross the goal line with time on clock if during timed play (before horn sounds – if the horn fails to sound, the goal is deemed good if it has crossed the goal line completely prior to time expiring)

11.0 Three Line Violation

11.1 Occurs if a ball crosses 3 lines IN THE AIR without touching wall, floor, player or referee

11.2 Player can pass back to own goal with no 3 line call

11.3 In case of 3 line call: opponent gets free kick at center of first “Yellow” line crossed

12.0 Substitutions

12.1 General: Any player entering the field must own a valid American Indoor Registration, have on a legal uniform with number and have checked-in with the office prior to taking the field. Failure to check-in will result in the player(s) being removed until checked-in and a determination is made of sanctions and penalties that may apply. In the case where the legal minimum number of players is exceeded, the game will be suspended with time running until all players check-in. A total of one goal only will be awarded to the opposition if legal players (those owning a player Registration) are found to be playing without checking in. Illegal players (those not owning a player Registration) found to be participating will receive a season ban from illegal participation AND the game will be forfeited immediately.

12.2 Play is designed for unlimited “free” substitution. Because of the location of the team boxes, players may enter the field while the player he is replacing is still on the playing area and not incur a foul as long as the player coming on the field does not attempt to play the ball, influence play or gain an advantage in attack or defense before the player leaving the field exits the field. Violation – 2 minute (Blue Card) team penalty from point of play

12.3 Players arriving late must check-in before entering the field.

12.4 Guaranteed Substitution: 15 seconds allowed for substitutions as follows:

12.4.1 After goal

12.4.2 When penalty awarded

12.4.3 Injury

12.4.4 Referee stoppage

12.4.5 Exit from penalty box – ball in netting

12.4.6 Note: If play is restarted with too many players there is no penalty in above cases

12.4.7 Note: Referees should not allow teams to waste time to their advantage

12.4.8 A verbal warning for taking more than 15 seconds to complete a substitution is required. Further delay will result in time penalty.

12.4.9 Injured Goalkeeper: If time is suspended for an injured goalkeeper, including removal of blood from uniform, that player must be replaced. Once play is resumed that player can immediately return.

12.4.10 Injured Player: If time is stopped for injury that player must be removed from the game until after restart. When the referee identifies an injured player or a player with visible blood, the referee should stop play as appropriate, stop the clock and delay restart for injured player. The player must be removed from the field and a player can be substituted. In the case of blood, the player must show the referee at a stoppage and prior to reentering the game that the open wound has been bandaged and uniform blood has been treated. An injured player serving a time penalty who goes to the bench for treatment must stay there until the penalty expires. Failure to do so will result in a 2 minute penalty.

12.5 Time Penalties for Substitution Violations: 2 – minute penalty (Blue Card)

12.5.1 Too many players on the field (not after a guaranteed substitution)

12.5.2 Playing without a goalkeeper

12.5.3 15 – second substitution delay after warning

12.5.4 Play is restarted with free kick at point where ball was when play stopped

13.0 Goalkeepers

13.1 Restrictions:

13.1.1 Goalkeeper with ball in hand , having released the ball (put ball in play), may not touch the ball again by hand until touched by an opponent or if the ball is passed back by head, knee or chest (trickery excluded – the use of the wall or foot to kick the ball to the head, knee or chest before making the pass) by a teammate.

13.1.2 Goalkeeper may not handle a ball INTENTIONALLY passed by foot, by a teammate.

13.1.3 The goalkeeper may handle a ball kicked by a teammate but deflected by an opponent.

13.1.4 In normal save situations the goalkeeper can not bounce the ball. This varies from a goal clearance where the ball can be bounced. This is due to the fact that the ball is deemed in play when released.

13.1.5 Goalkeeper has 5 seconds to put the ball in play.

13.1.6 Goalkeeper can not bring the ball into the penalty arch and handle the ball with his hands.

13.1.7 The ball can not be used to strike or push an opponent.

13.1.8 The penalty for breach of any of these rules is a foul and free kick from the top of the penalty arch.

13.1.9 While playing as a field player, the goalkeeper commits a handling violation – Foul – Not time penalty

13.1.10 Coming out of the penalty arch and deliberately handling the ball is a mandatory Blue Card penalty UNLESS momentum carried the goalkeeper out of the area, then it is a foul – no time penalty.

13.2 Goalkeeper Privileges

13.2.1 Charged time penalties are served by a team mate.

13.2.2 Opponent can not obstruct attempt to put ball in play.

13.2.3 Opponent can not make body contact with the goalkeeper not in possession of the ball in the penalty arch unless the referee deems such contact to be inadvertent during the normal course of play. Contact deemed non-inadvertent but not dangerous shall be punished with a foul and free kick – no time penalty.

13.2.4 Any serious, dangerous contact with the goalkeeper should be punished with a Blue Card penalty.

13.2.5 An opponent who intentionally charges the goalkeeper in a violent manner or intentionally kicks the keeper while keeper is in full possession of the ball shall be ejected under a Yellow Card for serious foul play.

16.0 Fouls/Technical Violations

16.1 Fouls: Player committing any of the following offenses which in the view of the referee is considered done in a careless or reckless manner or with excessive force will be penalized by a team foul and free kick from the point of infraction.

These infractions add to a team’s total foul count:

1. Kicking or attempting to kick

2. Tripping or attempting to trip

3. Jumping at an opponent

4. Charging an opponent

5. Pushing

6. Player to player contact before playing ball

7. Illegal Handling – this infraction occurs when a player, other than the goal-keeper in the box, DELIBERATELY makes contact with the ball with the hand, arm or outside portion of the shoulder. The act MUST be deliberate and advantage has no relevance in the infraction being called.

8. Dangerous play

9. Fair charge, but ball not in playing distance

10. Obstructing when not playing the ball or within playing distance

11. Leverage – it is illegal to use a teammate or any part of the field to gain an advantage. This is especially true where the wall system is concerned. Using the wall for leverage to allow a player to fend off opposing players is illegal and is punishable as other fouls in this section.

Note: The wording of Rule 16.1 where applicable is taken directly from FIFA’s 2009 rules under Fouls and Misconduct section.

16.2 Six (6) team fouls: A team’s sixth (6th) non-time penalty foul in a half will result in a penalty shootout. Fouls that result in a time penalty do not count toward team fouls. After a penalty shootout is awarded for the sixth foul the count starts again at 1 and must progress to 6 for an additional shootout to be awarded.

16.3 Technical Violations: Player commits an offense that is not a foul but is a violation that results in a free kick at the point indicated below. These do not count in team fouls:


  1. Second hand touch by goalkeeper – center dot at the top of the goalie box

  2. Goalkeeper takes hand possession from a kicked pass-back – center dot at the top of the goalie box

  3. Five second violation by goalkeeper or player – center dot at the top of the goalie box

  4. Illegal handling by goalkeeper – point of foul

  5. Three line violation – center dot on yellow line first crossed

  6. Kick-off violation – mid-field center dot

  7. Free Kick restart violation – same spot

  8. All two touch violations – point of foul

17.0 Time Penalties

17.1 ALL TIME PENALTIES WILL BE INDICATED BY THE ISSUANCE OF A “CARD” (Red, Yellow, Blue). Penalties are set at 2 minutes each. A single player can incur a maximum of 4 – 2 minute penalties for continued misconduct. Each is served successively (one after the next) until all are served.

17.2 General guidelines for time penalties:


  1. Players accumulating 3 – “Blue Cards” will be asked to leave the game voluntarily under a Yellow Card. If the player elects not leave immediately a Red Card will be issued for failure to follow referee’s instruction.

  2. If a team is playing short with multiple players out due to time penalties and is scored on, the player serving a penalty with the least time remaining can rejoin play for the kick-off. Only 1 can return.

  3. If each team has equal numbers of players serving penalties, when a goal is scored no player may re-enter the game. Penalty time will continue to run on all penalties. It does not matter whether each card was given at the same time.

  4. If a team scores a “short handed” goal while multiple of their players are serving penalties, no players are released from their penalties.

  5. If a player is penalized while 2 of his team mates are serving penalties, the third penalty time will not start until the first is completed. The third carded player must be off the field and not participating even though his time does not start until the first penalty expires. A player can be added to ensure that a team is not forced to play with less than 2 down. Additional cards can be given as long as there are available players on the bench to keep the field player count at 2 less than the maximum. If no subs are available the game will be forfeited – see “f” below.

  6. Teams must never be allowed to play with less than 2 less players than the maximum (Men – 6 max.: 4 min., Coed – 7 max.: 5 min., Youth 8 max.: 6 min.). If a player receives a time penalty that would reduce the on-field player count to fall below the minimum due to no subs being available see “e” above, the game is ended at that point as a Forfeit win to the team with at least the minimum. Play can then continue with the time remaining on the clock under the “House Forfeit Rule (21.0)”.

  7. At the expiration of penalty time a player is free to rejoin play.


17.3 Blue Card – 2 – minute time penalties:

a. All fouls included in Rule 15.1 may carry a Blue Card if the foul is deemed excessive

b. Additionally the following result in a “Blue Card”:

  1. Illegal substitution

  2. Leaving the bench and entering in a confrontation (no card for attempting break up fight if the attempt is nonaggressive)

  3. Foul occurs in the defensive penalty arch a “blue Card” is given and a penalty shootout is awarded.

  4. Unsportsmanlike conduct

  5. Encroachment violation – not clearing the 15’ “free Kick” zone in a timely manner after referee warning

  6. Delay of game

  7. Leaning on a team mate to head the ball

  8. Attempting to distract an opponent on a free kick

  9. Unnecessary protest of a call

  10. A free kick is awarded for all Blue Card Fouls except during shootouts. Blue cards awarded during a Penalty shootout are punishable by eliminating the player from further participation in the shootout. If the goal keeper is given a Blue Card, one of the shooters on his team will be sent off and a miss will be awarded every time it is his turn. The shooting order determined prior to the start of the shootout will remain unchanged.

  11. Slide Tackling to dislodge a ball in the possession of another player is illegal in ANY league and is punishable by an automatic Blue Card. Contact does not have to occur for a Blue Card to be awarded. Sliding across the line of shot to block or sliding to stop a ball is legal if done in a manner that is considered by the referee to be not dangerous to any player.

  12. Not having shin guards in place during play (except if dislodged during play)

17.4 Yellow or “Leave Now” Card: This card is shown when a player is getting out of control and threatening to disrupt further play to the point that a fight may break out. If the player leaves without further incident no game suspension will result. If, after verbal warning, the player persists in causing a disturbance or delay in play, the referee may issue a “RED CARD”. Under a Yellow Card a player need not leave the facility unless he is causing a disturbance. He must leave the bench area. YELLOW CARDS CARRY A 2 MINUTE PENALTY which another player must serve. The following are examples of instances where a Yellow Card may be used:

a. Violent conduct

b. Serious fouls

c. 3 Blue cards – another player will serve time penalty

d. Intentionally trying to cause harm


17.5 Red Card – When Red Card is given the affected individual(s) MUST immediately exit the facility if requested by facility management. Prior to leaving, the facility manager should attempt to communicate the individual’s suspension and record it on the Roster Form. The manager must indicate the games for which the player is suspended by marking “S” in the check-in box associated with the game of suspension. Any foul that has the intent of seriously injuring a player may carry a direct Red Card without a Yellow or Blue Card being issued. Fighting carries a direct Red Card. Standard penalties are in place for all instances of fighting as defined by American Indoor. Pushing an opponent in a “whistle stop” situation using the chest is a 2 (two) game suspension. Pushing an opponent in a “whistle stop” situation using the open hand is a 3 (three) game suspension. Throwing punches, kicking, head-butting or any other escalation above a “hand push” is dealt with through a minimum of a season ban from all play at American Indoor. To be considered a season ban there must be at least 3 (three) games remaining in the current season. If less than three games remain the ban will carry over for the entire next season also.


17.6 Play Procedure for Yellow or Red Card – Automatic 2 minute time penalty. After the penalty is served the team is allowed to go back to full strength.


18.0 Penalty Shootout: Three different Penalty Shootout (dribble-up) scenarios can exist:

18.1 Penalty Shootout: Awarded during normal play with more than 5 seconds remaining for any of the following:

18.1.1 Awarded for any foul committed in the defensive penalty arch by a defensive player. Foul carries a Blue Card.

18.1.2 Defensive player in own half fouls an attacker with one other defender (probably the goalkeeper) between the attacker and goal given there is reasonable assurance of a goal scoring opportunity.  Foul carries a Blue Card.

18.1.3 Sixth team foul in either half.  There is no time penalty served

18.2 Penalty Shootout Time Extension: Awarded with less than 5 seconds remaining in game

18.2.1 Awarded for Rule 18.1.1 through 18.1.4

18.2.2 The only difference in 18.1 and 18.2 is the time remaining in the game


18.3 Overtime Shootout: Used to decide a winner in championship games or games in the playoffs where a winner is required only. Occurs outside the normal 40 minute game. This is a very important note for coed games ; girl goals count 1.


18.4 Procedure for 18.1 and 18.2

18.4.1 Penalized player (if applicable) is serving penalty. All other field players except goalkeeper and penalty shot taker are behind the midfield line with the defenders in the circle and attackers outside the circle.

18.4.2 Ball is placed at the center of the Yellow Line nearest the attacking goal

18.4.3 Any attacker can take the kick, not just the fouled player

18.4.4 At the referee’s whistle the clock (if applicable) will start and all players may enter the attacking half.

18.4.5 The shooter must strike the ball forward and may attempt to score regardless of the number of times the ball rebounds off the wall or goalkeeper. The “kickoff two-touch or free kick rule” does not apply.

18.4.6 The goalkeeper must have at least one foot on or behind the goal line and not move from that spot until the whistle sounds.

18.4.7 All game rules apply

18.4.8 In the case of interference:

1. Foul by goalkeeper – retake if not scored – Blue card

2. Foul by shooter ends his or her shot with miss

3. Outside interference – retake if missed

18.4.9 Special for Penalty Shootout Time Extension – 5 seconds is placed on clock. The shooter has 5 seconds to score from the referee’s whistle.

18.4.10 Overtime Shootout: Only occurs in case of a tie in a championship game or playoff game where a winner is needed.


  1. Referee chooses goal

  2. Only players on the field at the expiration of regular time are eligible for first round of the shootout. Players playing field positions MUST take all shots. Goalkeeper cannot shoot and must remain the keeper, ie. cannot change goalkeeper.

  3. Players in the penalty box at close of regulation time cannot participate.

  4. There is NO PROVISION for the replacement of players serving penalties at the end of regulation or players injured during a shootout. Players who become injured and cannot participate may NOT be replaced and will count as a miss. If a team is playing short due to penalties at the end of regulation they will remain short for the shootout. If a goalkeeper is injured and can not complete the shootout his/her team forfeits – the injured goalkeeper can not be substituted.

  5. Visiting team shoots first

  6. Teams alternate shooting taking until one team misses and the other player shooting in the same place in the rotation makes (Golden Goal).

  7. Ball is placed at the center of the Yellow Line nearest the attacking goal (for kids games in younger ages, referee may use the circle at top of arc)

  8. At referee’s whistle shooter has 5 seconds to score regardless of the number of times the ball is kicked

  9. All instances in 18.4.7 apply

  10. Rule 18.4.5 applies

  11. If no winner after allotted kicks for the players on the field at the end of regulation, players in the team box are added (no player in the penalty box may ever shoot. Shooting continues under the “Golden Goal” rule.

  12. After all eligible players have kicked the same rotation is repeated until a winner is determined (the order of designated kickers can not change).

  13. In the case of a team playing with less than the allotted number of players (6 for men, 7 for coed, etc.), including situations where players have been “Red or Yellow Carded”, the number of players available for the shootout will only be those eligible for game participation and on the field at the end on regulation time. Teams unable to field the requisite number for a shootout will be given a miss each time an absent player is scheduled to shoot.


19.0 Coed Exceptions:

19.1 Team Make-up: 6 field players (3 male and 3 female) and goalkeeper. There must be five players for a game to begin, one of which must be a woman.

19.2 Maximum Number of Players Each Sex: A team may consist of all women. Maximum number of male field players is always 3.

19.3 Scoring:

19.3.1 Males: Men can account for 6 goals as a group. No one man can score more than 3 in any game. Male goals scored over either limit will not count and results in goalkeeper throw-in.

19.3.2 Females: All clean (non-deflected) regular play female goals (except over time shootout goals) count 2, (SEE 19.3.7 shootout exception). Balls shot by female and deflected by MALE player of same team count 1 point.

19.3.3 Balls shot by female and deflected off goalkeeper count 2 points. Shots taken by a male or female players that deflect off own team female player count 2.

19.3.4 Shots on “goal target” (as viewed by the referee) taken by MALE or FEMALE players that deflect off an opposite team member other than the goalkeeper, whether male or female, and score are treated as a “player goal” (not an OWN GOAL) and count 1 point. In the case of the female goal, it also is accessed against the male total of 6 allowed goals.

19.3.5 Own goals initiated by either a male or female player (shots that due to their direction would not have scored if NOT DEFLECTED), count as 1 goal and are NOT allocated to the Male count against the “Men’s Total of 6 allowed goals”.

19.3.6 Time penalties against a male goalkeeper may be served by either a male or female.

19.3.7 ALL Shootout goals, except Overtime Shootout goals, by a female count 2 points. ALL Overtime Shootout goals by females count 1 point (these goals will only occur during playoffs in case of a regulation game tie being resolved).

Effective Season 3 – 2014 (April – June)

19.3.2 Females: All clean (non-deflected) regular play female goals (except over time shootout goals) count 2, (SEE 19.3.7 shootout exception). Balls shot “on goal target” by female and deflected by MALE player of same team count 1 point and count 1 against the male maximum total of 6 goals for the game.

19.3.3 Shots on “goal target” (as viewed by the referee) by a female player and deflected off goalkeeper count 2 points. Shots on “goal target” (as viewed by the referee) taken by female players that deflect off an own team female player count 2. Shots on “goal target” (as viewed by the referee) taken by a male player that deflects off any own team player counts 1 goal and counts against the male total of 6 goals.

19.3.4 Shots on “goal target” (as viewed by the referee) taken by MALE or FEMALE players that deflect off an opposite team member other than the goalkeeper, whether male or female, and score are treated as a “player goal” (not an OWN GOAL). A female player’s goal counts as 2 points.

19.3.5 Own goals initiated by either a male or female player shots (shots, in the view of the referee, which due to their direction would not have scored if NOT DEFLECTED), count as 1 goal and are NOT allocated to the Male count against the “Men’s Total of 6 allowed goals”.

20.0 Referee Signals:

20.1 Start play – Whistle

20.2 Goal – Two arms above head

20.3 Stop Clock – Crossed arms above head

20.4 Referees are encouraged to attempt to notify scorer of the cause of each foul – i.e. Tripping, obstruction, etc.


21.0 Forfeits:

21.1 Procedure: At designated game time (2 minutes after conclusion of previous game or at game time for first game of day), ASSUMING AISF IS READY TO CONDUCT THE GAME (referee and scorer in position) the clock will start. If one or both teams do not take the field to begin play before the 14:59 point is reached (5 –minutes has elapsed) the game is considered a forfeit to the team with the minimum number of players present. At this point either of three things can happen: 1. the teams leave. The roster of the team forfeiting MUST be marked so that the forfeit fee ($10) can be collected at the next game, 2. the remaining players decide to scrimmage; in which case the teams will play for the period remaining before the next game is scheduled to begin (if operations are behind this scrimmage will not be 40 minutes) (only registered players are allowed to scrimmage – players need not be on either team, but must be a registered player), 3. The team with the requisite number of players agrees to wait until the opposition gets enough players to start – clock continues running – once a team has elected to wait they can not change their mind – if halftime is reached the clock is reset and started again – if time expires without enough players arriving the game is a forfeit.

If AISF or the referee is responsible for delaying the start of the game, 20 minutes will always be on the clock at the start of each half.

21.2 During either half, if a coach or any other non-player for one of the teams should enter the playing field while time is running (except in the case of an injury), the referee will stop play and declare a forfeit.