


  • Clay Mack Skills

    Clay Mack is an athletic skill consultant, specializing in functional movement, kinetics and biomechanics for Defensive Backs and Linebackers. His innovative, applied science approach to movement is trendsetting and adaptable, no matter the sport or position. Clay has been sought after to work with multiple high profile athletes throughout the country. While he has worked with multiple first round draft picks, Pro Bowlers and Super Bowl champs, he also trains athletes who are not as highly touted to further develop skills for the next level. Having a keen eye for detail and exceptional understanding of the functionality of movement, has garnered Clay the reputation as an industry leader in the genre. Such prowess is the reason Clay Mack continues to be highly sought after in the NFL Combine pre-draft training process, as well as throughout many top athletes’ football careers.

  • Old School Quarterback

    Old School Quarterbacks operates on the principle that the art of quarterbacking is based on leadership and critical thinking skills that translate both on and off the field. In 2003, Coach Brad Frazier began Old School Quarterbacks and continues to operate and lead Old School Quarterbacks, developing athletes as young as 8 years old through college and professional level.

  • Raw Talent Sports

    Jason Earle is the head trainer at Raw Talent Sports where he focuses on speed, strength, and skill development for all athletes. Jason had the opportunity to work with athletes from all levels of competition and helped high athletes receive college scholarships. Raw Talent has produced some of the best athletes in the country including a 1st round draft pick, Super Bowl champions, and a Rose Bowl MVP.