Soccer Information

And Registration

New adult season begins june 28th


New adult season begins june 28th 〰️

  • Please make your $100 deposit and register on-line by June 18th to guarantee your spot in Season 4 of 2023 which will start July 9th.


  • Make sure you register online in a timely manner before each season. And don’t forget to ask the office about pre-registering to get $100 off each season!

Adult soccer

Individual Registration

Individual Soccer

(Required From Each Player)

  • Adult Registration (Yearly) 

    $28 – nonrefundable

  • Jersey, $11 – nonrefundable

Adult Soccer

Team Registration

8 game League & Ref Fees:

  • Adult     $725.00

Please read the captain’s notes here.


  • Below are listed items that, as Captain or organizer or designated leader, you need to make your team aware. Excuses that “I was not told” will fall back on you and the fact that everything contained here is covered in more detail on notices throughout the building and on the web site. “ODD DAY” Exception Policy In an effort to accommodate as many teams wishing to play, American Indoor has a policy referenced “odd Day” exception games. Essentially, on any given play day 16 Adult teams can be accommodated for play weekdays between 6:00 PM and 11:15 PM starting times. On Sunday 32 Adult teams can play with game times starting at Noon and continuing with the last game starting at 11:15 PM. American Indoor, at their teams’ request, has specifically abstained from starting earlier than 6:00 (as do several facilities) and later that 11:15 PM (as do several facilities) weekdays and before noon on Sundays due to church. Under normal circumstances Saturday and possibly Monday are days where registrations may leave “play slots” open (unused due to the number of teams registered for those days). In an effort to accommodate as many teams as possible considering the time constraints detailed in the previous paragraph, American Indoor has, as do most popular, highly subscribed facilities, required some play for teams registering for a specific day on a day where “play spots are open”. American Indoor requires each team, when registrations are sufficient to warrant odd day games, to play one or possibly 2 games not on the day the team wished at registration. Teams finding this system unacceptable need not register as generally there will be “Odd Day” games for most leagues. Do not confuse Odd Day Games with Weather or Holiday Make-up games which may also be on days other than the one requested at registration. With the installation of the “NEW” field and in an effort to keep it clean, spitting, gum and tobacco products are banned from use on the field at all times and those breaking the ban will be dealt with in strict accordance with the rules. Only approved indoor shoes are allowed on the field. A player can wear flat athletic shoes (tennis shoes, sneakers) or indoor turf shoes (each shoe MUST have 40 or more “nubs” of the same height, maximum of 1/4 of an inch). Uniform number policy for adult teams. Each player MUST have a unique (that means different) number minimum 5” in height of 1 or 2 digits (not bigger than 99) ironed or screened on prior to playing. Numbers partially or completely falling off must be replaced. Numbers must be centered on the back of the jersey approx. 6” below the neckline. THIS IS IMPORTANT – IF 2 OR MORE PLAYERS ARE WEARING THE SAME NUMBER (REMEMBER YOU MUST HAVE A UNIQUE NUMBER) ANY PENALTY, SUSPENION, OR, IN THE CASE OF COED, GOALS SCORED WILL COUNT AGAINST THAT NUMBER NOT AN INDIVIDUAL. IN OTHER WORDS EACH OF THE SAME NUMBER GETS THE SAME PENALTY. THIS INCLUDES RED CARDS AND TIME PENALTIES DURING THE GAME. UNDERSTAND THIS AS WE WILL NOT DISCUSS IT FURTHER. All team fees are due at the first game. If you are not able to pay the full balance, a minimum of $275 is due at the first game AND a $50 late fee is applied to the balance. You have 3 total weeks to pay the balance if you cannot pay at the first game. If any player or visitor is found to be in possession, whether open or not, of alcoholic beverages he/she will be penalized as displayed in the facility and on the web site. Fighting as defined on various posters and on the web site will continue to be dealt with sternly. Read and UNDERSTAND the rules on Handling and Slide Tackling. Read and UNDERSTAND the jersey number policy. Read and UNDERSTAND the reschedule and holiday/weather make up policy. Dissent is dealt with by a BLUE CARD and a 2 minute time penalty. All schedules and information are on the web site. Before you complain about a referee be sure you have read the rules of soccer and understand what you have read. In order to play a player must have a VALID AMERICAN INDOOR player registration. You as captain are responsible for players attempting to play illegally. This is not everything but rather the high points. Please encourage your players to visit the web site and read the notices posted in the building. “I DID NOT KNOW” is not an excuse at American Indoor.

  • Unlike most facilities, American Indoor wants you to know and understand the rules both for the game you play and those of the facility in general. Posted for your review are almost all rules that could apply while you play or visit at American Indoor. We hope you take the time to get acquainted with these. We want each player and visitor to have an enjoyable experience but that enjoyment should not come at another’s expense. At American Indoor each player and spectator is responsible for their own actions. Again, please take a few minutes to become familiar with the various rules that are in place to make everyone’s experience pleasurable.


    Ball Retrieval Following Goal

    Slide Tackling

  • Award Options for League Champions

    Each league champion will be given the option of either the “current season award” – (examples of past awards – T-shirt, bag and bottle or whatever is offered at the time) or $50 off the following season league fee. The “team captain” must make his choice immediately following the championship game.

    The $50 discount option can ONLY be applied to the next season. If the champion decides not to play the next season the only option is the “current season award”. The $50 discount can not be deferred, transferred, traded or otherwise given to any team and must be used by the team that won the actual championship game.

    Free Practice and How it Works

    American Indoor offers 1 “Free Practice” to each team that plays in a league. As with any “deal” there are restrictions and limitations. For those see below:

    The “free practice” is only available after all league and referee fees are paid in full.

    The practice is not guaranteed on the “entire” Main Field but may be on the “Practice Field” or Half the Main Field.

    The practice is not transferable to another team.

    The practice may not be carried over to the next season and is voided after the last game of the season for the team for which it was made available.

    ONLY players from the team earning the “free practice” may participate – no scrimmages with another team unless they also are either paying to practice or using their free practice.

    All players participating in the practice must either be on the current roster or/and have a valid American Indoor Registration.

    Free Practices may, in certain situations, be cancelled or have dates and/or times changed at American Indoor discretion.

    We hope these points adequately explain our policy on this issue.

    Rescheduling & Holiday/ Weather Make Up

    In the event a league is scheduled to play on a holiday, American Indoor, at their sole discretion, will determine if an entire week will be taken off or whether the missed holiday games will be rescheduled to an alternate day. Teams unable to make an “alternate day” game must use the standard “Reschedule Policy” to change the day. As with any reschedule, there is no guarantee that the reschedule will be agreed with the team’s opponent.

    Weather Day Make-up Policy

    When deemed necessary for the safety of staff, players and other visitors, American Indoor may close the facility. This decision is at American Indoor’s sole discretion. In the case of weather related cancellations, games will be rescheduled according to the existing “Holiday Policy”.

    Game Time Change or Reschedule

    Changing a Game Time – NOT DAY

    If you don’t already have contact data for teams on your night call American Indoor and secure those that you need.

    First contact the team you are scheduled to play and ask if they will be willing to change times. If they are, give them the time you would like. See if they still like the change. If so, go to Step 3.

    Call the 2 teams who are playing at the time you want and see if they will switch with you. If both agree then have each email American Indoor at confirming the change. Go to Step 4.

    Contact your opponent and have them contact American Indoor by email to confirm the change.

    Contacting AISF to request a game time change requires 72 hour notice but the change is ONLY VALID if American Indoor has emails from all parties in hand 48 hours before the original game time.


    Reschedules can ONLY be done after league fees are paid in FULL and no later than 72 hours before scheduled game time.

    American Indoor will give the contact information of the opposing team to the requesting team.

    The requesting team will then contact their opponent and see if they are willing to reschedule the game, and if they are open to doing so, will then need to confirm this with American Indoor via email or text message. American Indoor will contact them to discuss available times/dates.

    If the opponent agrees, the team requesting the reschedule will be notified of the new game day and time. There is no option for the team asking to reschedule to not accept the new date. The requesting team can only opt to forfeit. If the game will be forfeited the opponent will be informed.

    In almost all cases ONLY one date and time will be offered.

    Contacting AISF to request a reschedule requires 72 hour notice but the change is ONLY VALID if American Indoor has emails from all parties in hand 48 hours before the original game time.

    Check-in Policy

    Each player MUST PERSONALLY check-in at the counter PRIOR to playing!

    Failure to follow this rule will result in a goal being added to opposition’s score.

    Playing without owning a valid player registration is an automatic season long player suspension and game forfeit if the player participated.

    Captains, exercise your rights and check that all players participating are accurately checked-in.

    Jersey Number Policy

    All Adult Teams Permanent, Unique Numbers Required

    Starting with the 4th 2012 season (July/August), all adult field players are required to have a UNIQUE permanent (ironed-on or screened-on) number on the back of their jersey in order to participate in any game (Men, Women or Coed). Numbers must be integers 0-99 and be of at least 5 inches in height. Number(s) must be placed in the center of the back of the shirt in an upright position about 9 inches below the neck line (do not place numbers upside down, sideways or in any configuration that is not legible from the rear). Number color should match the shirt’s lettering color but MUST be clearly visible to the referee. In the case of more than one player reporting at check-in with the same number, both (all) can play, but all goals AND time penalties apply to all who “share” a number.

    To clarify this rule: After a player has checked-in for one game, whether they are goal keepers or field players, they are expected to have a permanent number (ironed or screened) on their jersey to be worn as a field player (not goalie shirt). A goal keeper who later decides to play in the field MUST have a permanent number on his field jersey before taking the field as other than the goalie. Just because you did not use the jersey until 6 games into the season does not exempt a goalie or another player from having a number if previously they were checked in for a game.

    The Procedure is as follows:

    At each check-in, the manager or staff member will ask to see each player’s jersey to verify an iron-on or screened-on number is affixed. If it is, the player will allowed to proceed with “normal” check-in.

    If there is no ironed-on or screened-on number affixed, and this is any game subsequent to the player’s first for a season, staff will type an “F” rather than an “X” on the check-in sheet. The player’s newly chosen number will be written on the player’s top of the hand (not palm). As stated, in the appropriate game box on the check-in sheet an “F” rather than an “X” will be entered indicating that the player lacked a number on his/her jersey at that game. The player will then be charged a “number fine” totaling $2 for the first offense and doubling with each successive attempt to play without a valid, legal number. As an example if a player decided not to put a legal number on and played all games in a season: at week 2 the fine would be $2, at week 3 – $4, at week 4 – $8, at week 5 – $16, at week 6 – $32, at week 7 – $64, and at week 8 – $128. In short you can play without a number the entire season, BUT AT A COST. A player always has the option of purchasing a new jersey and starting the process all over again (there is no fine the first week when purchasing a new jersey).

    If the referee finds players on the field without either a number on the top of the hand or an iron-on or screened-on number on the jersey or with other forms of numbers that are deemed illegal, those players will be sent to the office to resolve the issue.

    Note: Players scoring and later found to be playing illegally (either because of no registration or no number) will have their goal(s) removed. We are very serious about players having numbers as per the rules. New players are encouraged to purchase their jersey with sufficient time to have a number put on.

    Uniform Policy

    All Adult Players are REQUIRED to Wear an American Indoor “LEAGUE JERSEY” in Order to Play. Non-duplicated Permanent (iron-on or silk screened on) 5” Minimum Numbers are Required.

    Soccer Shorts are REQUIRED for ALL Games. NO Cutoffs, Blue Jeans, or Cargo Shorts – Soccer Shorts ONLY.

    Shin Guards and Long Socks are STILL Required!!!

    How did I get this schedule?

    At American Indoor we try our best to please as many teams as we can, within reason, when putting together each league’s schedule for a new season. Sometimes it is to everyone’s liking and sometimes we make a few mad. Just so that you understand what our thought process is read the following:

    In the “ideal world” an adult schedule for Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday or Sunday night would have each team playing 1 game at 6:00, 1 at 6:45, 1 at 10:30 and 1 at 11:15. If the team count for the league playing on a given day is 16 to 20 teams this can be accomplished easily. On league nights where the total team count is less than 16 this balance is impossible, thus resulting in a few teams getting more of the times (early and late) than is possible in the ideal case. It should be noted that if a team requests ONLY 11:15 or ONLY 6:00 games this in no way adversely affects any team as each would still have a single early or late game except for the team wanting the less desirable time. In fact, in these cases other leagues on the same day get a break since there are few if any early or late games to be given to them. What must be obvious to all is that if you request ONLY 7:30 and 8:15 games you are adversely affecting the others in your league and the others in the other leagues by requiring them to play more late and early games.

    With that discussion complete we would like to forward the following scheduling guidelines that will be implemented and adhered to as closely as possible:

    Only 2 teams on a night may request ONLY 10:30 and 11:15 games. The same is true for 6:00 and 6:45. If more request these times we will do the best we can. Ideally we will suggest that teams in excess of 2 move to another night where their request may be honored.

    If teams are scheduled to play and one request early and one late, the team “REQUIRING” the requested time will be given preference. In other words, if you merely want early games but are able to make late games and your opponent works till 10:30 and can’t get here any earlier, then the team that works gets the request.

    Once the first game of a league’s schedule for a new season is played we will not alter the schedule except for: a. an obvious typo, b. a totally missed request that was made on the registration form, c. a new team joining late (we will endeavour to max our nights at 16 to 20 teams each).

    Reschedules are allowed with the rules on the “How to Reschedule” page.


    Teams joining a league late (less than one week before the league’s first game) MAY NOT REQUEST ANY SCHEDULING ASSISTANCE – you get what you get!

    League Discounts & How to Get One

    American Indoor offers teams the ability to play in most cases six seasons a year for essentially the cost of five. This is how it works:

    Play a season (your first season) at regular “full” price (which includes league and referee fees).

    When you register for your “full price season” and before you play your first game, pre-register for the next season by placing a $100 non-refundable deposit for that next season.

    When the next season arrives you will owe $100 less than the balance due on a “full price season” less your $100 deposit. Consider this: it is like putting down a $100 deposit but getting credit for $200. At the same point in time next season pre-register again and continue the process again.

    After your first season play 5 additional, consecutive seasons and essentially your sixth is almost free.


    If you elect not to play a season for which you pre-registered your $100 deposit is lost.

    Your league and referee fees MUST be paid in full at your first game of the season. If not you will revert to the “time payment system” and $50 will be added to your balance due. You will also be barred from pre-registering for the next season.

    Pre-registrations can not be transferred between teams or deferred to another season.

    You can not pre-register after playing your first game of a new season.

  • “ODD DAY” Exception Policy In an effort to accommodate as many teams wishing to play, American Indoor has a policy referenced “odd Day” exception games. Essentially, on any given play day 16 Adult teams can be accommodated for play weekdays between 6:00 PM and 11:15 PM starting times. On Sunday 32 Adult teams can play with game times starting at Noon and continuing with the last game starting at 11:15 PM. American Indoor, at their teams’ request, has specifically abstained from starting earlier than 6:00 (as do several facilities) and later that 11:15 PM (as do several facilities) weekdays and before noon on Sundays due to church. Under normal circumstances Saturday and possibly Monday are days where registrations may leave “play slots” open (unused due to the number of teams registered for those days). In an effort to accommodate as many teams as possible considering the time constraints detailed in the previous paragraph, American Indoor has, as do most popular, highly subscribed facilities, required some play for teams registering for a specific day on a day where “play spots are open”. American Indoor requires each team, when registrations are sufficient to warrant odd day games, to play one or possibly 2 games not on the day the team wished at registration. Teams finding this system unacceptable need not register as generally there will be “Odd Day” games for most leagues. Do not confuse Odd Day Games with Weather or Holiday Make-up games which may also be on days other than the one requested at registration.